
In October of 2019, Tennis Without Borders traveled to villages outside the city of Bishoftu, Ethiopia. There we spent a week introducing the sport of tennis to children. Kids participated in various games and drills aimed at building hand-eye coordination, developing a swing, and rallying with one another.
In addition to tennis, Tennis Without Borders engaged children in various art projects aimed to allow them to express themselves artistically. They participated in making friendship bracelets, painting in watercolors, and creating puppets.
Stateside, sixth graders at a coastal Maine school learned about the Ethiopia in advance of the Tennis Without Borders trip. These students participated in school-wide acts of service project to raise money to sponsor a child in Ethiopia. Students wrote letters to share about life in coastal Maine, painting pictures, and made friendship bracelets to be given out to Ethiopian children.
Tennis in the Villages
Through the generosity of donors, children learn to play tennis with new racquets and portable nets. Kids participated in various games and free play as they explored the sport.
Arts & Crafts
Children painted, made various bracelets, and spent lots of time working together. Hard work and focus yielded beautiful creations.
Ethiopia-Maine Connection
With this trip, Tennis Without Borders worked to connect students from Maine to the children of Ethiopia through letters, painting, and friendship bracelets. A sixth grade class in Maine earned enough money to sponsor a child in Ethiopia.